Our stock selection process

Stock selection process

We buy great business at great prices.

We don’t care if it small or large cap stock, we look for stocks with big growth triggers in short to medium term and invest in those whenever they trade cheap

We think illiquidity and volatility is our friends we make use of both to maximize gains for you

Quality of business and quality of promoters is most important for us.

-We are ready to lose a opportunity but not to invest our hard earned money on low quality businesses and promoters
Safety of the capital is of paramount importance for us

We will never suggest you to buy a growth stock.

Depending on market conditions we may give 8-20 calls a quarter. We will manage your portfolio too hence you won’t have to think about money management

We may not suggest in stock in a month or two, we may also suggest 6-9 stocks a month. As opportunities don’t come in a predefined disciplined way we don’t have a choice.

We are least bothered about the direction of board market. As we will invest in secular growth companies our stocks will grow irrespective of market direction. A good market will only speed up the upmove.

We will go after companies and not sectors. Any opportunity that comes to our way from any given sector may be recommended

We will pick stocks that have the potential to give atleast 30-50% return in a year if not more. The size of the opportunity is one thing that we never compromise on. Any return possibility below 30-50% in a year won’t make it to recommendations

We will ensure we have enough margin of safety build into our recommended price so that we reduce our risk as much as possible

All our stock goes through a rigorous process of checks before getting recommended. This reduces failures substantially.

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21999 for 1year.

Provide weekly 2-3 multibagger stock.
🎯Target 3-30 Day's achieved

Think big grow rich🍸

Business tycoon aditya🙏

Business Tycoon Aditya
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What's up no- 9977187423
Email id- businesstycoonaditya@gmail.com


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